At Children’s Happy Day School our preschool curriculum is developed by our staff, based in literature and uses the MA Guidelines for Preschool Learning Experiences and the NAEYC curriculum standards as guiding principles.
Each month teachers and children will investigate curriculum topics that develop from the interests of children. Learning centers are created to enhance the curriculum and give children a chance to play and work with materials, act out stories and interact with peers and adults.
Nature, the use of natural materials in the classroom and opportunities to explore outside each day are also essential components of our curriculum. At Children’s Happy Day School, we encourage the scientist in each child through gardening, walks around the neighborhood and opportunities to observe and interact with nature. We enrich these daily experiences with apple picking in the fall and trips to the Boston Nature Center in the summer, weaving experiences with nature beyond the school into the curriculum.
Teachers incorporate the “Social Thinking Curriculum: The Incredible, Flexible You” into their work with children. This curriculum is designed to help children develop the social skills needed for working alongside others. It helps them to “listen with their whole bodies” think about the group plan and focus on “Thinking thoughts and feeling feelings.” The curriculum incorporates songs and books in an engaging manner as children develop their social and emotional awareness.