“Children’s Happy Day School is an extraordinary environment for young children. Each classroom offers a wide array of educational opportunities in a safe nurturing setting that enables children of all ages and temperaments to thrive. The warm caring teachers are excellent and the school is committed to ongoing professional development that benefits the children and the teachers. After more than a 25 year relationship with CHDS, I wholeheartedly and enthusiastically recommend this wonderful school to any parent of a preschool child.”
Paula Rauch MD
Director, Marjorie E. Korff PACT Program
(Parenting At a Challenging Time)
“Happy Day has given my daughter a wonderful foundation for her education. She’s excited about school everyday, and at 5 years old, is already learning study and social skills. CHDS offers a curriculum that opens young minds, with a staff that is warm and caring. Teachers work with each child as an individual to support their emotional development and encourage their enthusiasm. It truly is a happy place!”
Beth Germano, News Reporter, WBZ-TV~CBS4
“We can not express how pleased we have been with Children’s Happy Day School during the 5 years our children have been here. It is hard to imagine a school that could offer more love to its children, a better quality of education and a safer environment.”
Lee and Jessica Frankel, Roslindale
“Children’s Happy Day School has a special place in my heart. Both my older boys spent their entire preschool years there and my youngest boy is coming next fall. Happy Day is a big family that has become a part of my own family!”
“是一个口碑极佳的学前学校。我的两个大一点的孩子都是从这里毕业的,最小的孩子也即将入学,所以我们全家都对Happy Day有着特殊的感情。当我看到儿子每天早上高兴地跟我挥手告别和傍晚恋恋不舍地离开的时候,我都可以感受到他在学校有多么的开心,并且学到了很多的东西。Happy Day的校长海伦和所有老师不仅给孩子们提供了一个寓教于乐的成长环境,也教给了他们去爱和尊重他人的做人之理。”
Zhan Xu (徐展, a proud parent of three CHDS alumni)